wedding Clair Jiang wedding Clair Jiang

The Hug

This moment, captured completely by accident is why we do what we do - and why we have deliberately changed the way we do things. For so long, we were rushing.

We rushed from one location to the other. We rushed to make sure that everything on our checklist was ticked off. Everything was fast. The pace was frantic; the energy almost frenetic and while we were proud of our work, we felt like we were missing something. We were.

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wedding Clair Jiang wedding Clair Jiang

The Tea Ceremony

We like to think that we are with you, for more than just to document what happens on the day. We are there to learn and listen, to feel what you are feeling, to understand the importance of each little moment and to put these snippets of history into what will become a treasured record of the most precious and unforgettable moments.

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wedding Clair Jiang wedding Clair Jiang

Family means everything

We’ll never forget the lesson we learned about family from some dear friends of ours.

Three months after their wedding, the bride’s beloved Grandpa passed away. He hadn't been well for a while and had been too ill to attend their wedding. Just before we left the house to make our way to the ceremony, she asked us to take a photo of her, in her white dress, with her Grandpa. 

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