Corey & Juliet
It’s true what they say about small things.
Good things come in small packages.
Small fish are sweeter.
It’s the little things that matter the most.
All true - and never truer than when it comes to weddings.
The smaller the group, the bigger the hearts.
The less people in attendance, the more of ourselves to be shared with everyone - and the more those people matter.
We are sure that when Corey and Juliet were planning their beautiful Big Day at Chiswick Restaurant, Woollahra, they were thinking small.
They didn't have hundreds of guests - just their families and closest friends.
No enormous bridal party - just one dear friend each side.
They didn’t miss out on anything by keeping it small.
They made their vows. They laughed a lot. Juliet’s father walked her down the aisle. They feasted on amazing food and drink.
We think they gained a lot.
Intimacy. That all-in feeling you only get when every single guest is really invested
Love. That which binds them to each other - and to those that they love.
Time. That all-too-rare thing that disappears at twice it’s normal speed on a (big) wedding day was gifted back to them to be in their own moment and truly enjoy it.
Small. I think if we ever got married again, we’d go small too.